—接触器和按钮开关等电器组件,防护等级可达到IP65, 控制线路简单,工作可靠;
1、Agitation system
—It uses self-falls bi-pyramid and reverse discharge mechanism, the production efficiency is high, the agitation quality is good;
—Stirs drum uses the gear transmission, the transmission efficiency is high, the failure rate is low, and maintains is simply.
2、Hydraulic system
—The operating valve uses the advanced S valve, the leak-proof quality is good, structure is simple and reliable. The eyeglasses board and the wear-resisting link use the hard alloy, the resistance to wear are good, the life is long, the replacement is convenient, the wear-resisting link uses may the automatic compensation gap organization;
—The control mode uses electricity - hydraulic control, the operation is simple, the revolution is steady, the noise is low; It has the consummation electricity - fluid over-load protection and the measuring appliance display system; it has the reverse-pump operation function; It is safely reliable, easy to fix the jamming breakdown; Services conveniently;
—Contact device and push-button switch electric appliance modules and so on, the protection rank may achieve IP65, the control wiring is simple, operation reliable;
—It is suitability to many kinds of mortar, like spraying mortar, wall surface mortar, ground mortar, small aggregate concretes and so on.
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